Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Time to build! another topic to google is NANOTECHNOLOGY its basicaly machines smaller than a speck of dust(you cant see them with the naked eye) that can self replicate! meaning it can born itself again and again they put it in all kinds of products womens make up botox its even on them docker pants the ones you can pour grape juice on and they wont stain...the problem is these nanobots accumalate in the brain and liver of tested animals ..thats right look it up its gettin ugly folks prepare ...so if the nanobots accumalate in the brain and liver that means we would be walking gps trackers ourselves do your homework!
Products they are using nanotechs in RIGHT NOW! go to this site
http://www.nanotechproject.org/ go to inventories you will be amazed!


  1. Defined by Vernor Vinge as the postulated point or short period in our future when our self-guided evolutionary development accelerates enormously (powered by nanotechnology, neuroscience, AI, and perhaps uploading) so that nothing beyond that time can reliably be conceived. The Singularity is a common matter of discussion in transhumanist circles. There is no concise definition, but usually the Singularity is meant as a future time when societal, scientific and economic change is so fast we cannot even imagine what will happen from our present perspective, and when humanity will become posthumanity. Another definition is the singular time when technological development will be at its fastest.

  2. The point in time when current trends may go wildly off the charts--known as the "Singularity"--is now getting serious attention. What it suggests is that technological change will soon become so rapid that we cannot possibly envision its results.

    Technological change isn't just happening fast. It's happening at an exponential rate. Contrary to the commonsense, intuitive, linear view, we won't just experience 100 years of progress in the twenty-first century-it will be more like 20,000 years of progress.

    The near-future results of exponential technological growth will be staggering: the merging of biological and nonbiological entities in bio-robotics, plants and animals engineered to grow pharmaceutical drugs, software-based "life," smart robots, and atom-sized machines that self-replicate like living matter. Some individuals are even warning that we could lose control of this expanding techno-cornucopia and cause the total extinction of life as we know it. Others are researching how this permanent technological overdrive will affect us. They're trying to understand what this new world of ours will look like and how accelerating technology already impacts us.

    A number of scientists believe machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence within a few decades, leading to what's come to be called the Singularity. Author and inventor Ray Kurzweil defines this phenomenon as "technological change so rapid and profound it could create a rupture in the very fabric of human history."
