We all have had it at one time or another.The infamous dragon! Nothing says hello like some stank breath.I remember when i was in high school my economics teacher Mr. Bauer HAD THE MOST OBSCENE BREATH.I mean i had to cover my face and breathe out my mouth when he would explain an assignment and he used to like to get up in your face to add insult to injury.
And what's up with that?Why do people who's breath stink love to whisper thats the worst thing you could do because when you whisper it actually heats your breath up and we know heat and funk aint a good mixture.They like to get right up in your ear and use words that only start with H to intensify the stench talkin bout" hello how are hyou its hot in here"No yo breath
Is hot infact someone need to punch you in the mouth with a mint glove lol.Fortunately there is a cure for bad breath it's as simple as brushing flossing and i can't stress this enough brushing your tongue.If that doesn't work check your diet a poor diet can contribute to stank breath and please if your breath is rank don't come trying to rap in my ear whispering!
LMAO! You telling the truth though. It's truly beyond me how an adult act like they're not aware of their offensive breathe. If I can smell it, I know damn well you smell your own ish!
ReplyDelete"Why do people who's breath stink love to whisper thats the worst thing you could do because when you whisper it actually heats your breath up and we know heat and funk aint a good mixture.They like to get right up in your ear and use words that only start with H to intensify the stench talkin bout" hello how are hyou its hot in here"No yo breath"
ReplyDeleteLMMFAO---i can't take it! LMMFAO that shyt is soooooooooooooo true...they always say "h" words!!!