Thousands of feet below the surface, the waters of the ocean are cold, still, and dark. Almost no sunlight can penetrate such depths, and the water temperature hovers near freezing. The harsh conditions of the abyss have generated some of the most nightmarish bizarre-looking creatures on Earth. Here there is a need for a cool light that will help organisms find their way through the dark murky waters, this light that is produced from a cool chemical reaction unlike sunlight (which is thermal) or electrical light is know as bioluminescence. Bio means living and luminescence means Ògiving off light.Ó Luminescent organisms give off different types of light and not all organisms use their luminescence the same way. Some luminescent organisms use their light all of the time, or receive the light from bacteria growing on their bodies. Others flash their light(s) on and off whenever they choose. These lights are used to communicate, to camouflage, to guide, to attract mates, to lure prey, and sometimes to frighten enemies. The many animals and organisms that produce this glow are generally found in the deep sea or in shallow ocean waters at night, but also can be found in caves, grasslands, forests, and even in your own backyard.
Jack Enter, a former Atlanta detective, has studied the Peeping Tom Phenomenon at Disney. He's been called as a witness to trials involving Magic Kingdom Peepers involving restrooms, changing rooms and dressing rooms. In one reported incident, Disney merely taped over the holes with duct tape. "It was amazing," said Enter. "So many guys had been standing on the ceiling pipe looking into the room that the insulation was worn off the top of the pipe". It would stand to reason though, that if someone is a pervert, pedophile, peeping Tom or Just One Of Those Types, like any "criminal" they gravitate and seek out the environment that allows them to pursue their habits. To these people Disneyland is well....just like a Disneyland.
When asked about this, Security Officer Hertog said, "Boys will be boys. This has been going on at Disney for 20 years. A large workforce will attract oddballs". However it's gotten worse - an investigations manager could recall only one case older than 15 years.
Rich Jeeley confessed in a Disney Security Statement that he regularly flashed guests at the park for over a year. Disney knew he had an "extensive"' criminal sex crimes record but did nothing until he was caught peeing through guest hotel bedroom windows at night. They fired him but never notified the police.
Maintenance worker Vince Amato was caught peeping on guests trying on clothes in the fitting room of the Disney Village Market "Captain's Tower". He was reported three times. Disney's answer was to transfer him to another job.
Employees caught exposing themselves to park guests or peeping on "guests" in changing rooms in stores, even if they are children, have in the past been fired but not turned over to authorities.
A transportation supervisor who worked at Disney was arrested after contacting a 13 year old boy on AOL's "Orlando" chat room using his Disney connections and promises of Disney stuff as a reward. When arrested by police they said he had so much Disney merchandise at his home it 'looked like a shrine'. (And since this chat room is a known hot bed for Disney Pervs to hang out in, does AOL monitor the chat in the Orlando chat room 24/7? Of course not.)
This same chat room was where Matt Irwin thought he hit paydirt in the form of a 13 year old girl, who turned out to be a cop. He told the 'girl' he worked for Disneyland and gave her a number to reach him at; which turned out to be his number all right - at the Animation section at Disney studios. Irwin had previously won an Emmy for his work on "Winnie the Pooh".
I remember going to the best parties at this spot..
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire drove thousands of
refugees across the bay, altering the demographic makeup of various
Oakland neighborhoods. Almost overnight, the Temescal district became
“Little Italy,” drawing its new residents from both San Francisco and
West Oakland.
The Genoese scavengers who moved to Temescal continued their
activities as independent garbage collectors until 1909, when rivalry
induced them to form the Oakland Scavenger Association. This co-op
incorporated in 1915 as the Oakland Scavenger Company. Every employee of
this all-Italian membership corporation was a shareholder, and shares
were transferred by their owners only to family members or to other
area dance trivia first one.. who can tell me the name of this oakland
hot spot that had performances by organized confusion,Nas ,Bum Tribe,Y.Z
Hyro etc...? What was the name of the event thrown here every friday?..
And its significance to Bay Area dance as it pertains to our history as
bay dancers? Bonus: this site also served as an Italian strong hold
during the 1900 and when the Great earth quake of 1906 hit it caused an
influx of immigrants to come to this area (Temescal district) Hint the
area of ITaly where they came from is the name of the spot that have the
best sandwiches in North Oakland.....
Doctor Patricia Bath, an ophthalmologist from New York, was living in
Los Angeles when she received her first patent, becoming the first
African American female doctor to patent a medical invention. Patricia
Bath's patent (#4,744,360) was for a method for removing cataract lenses that transformed eye surgery(LASIK) by using a laser device making the procedure more accurate.Patricia Bath's passionate dedication to the treatment and prevention of
blindness led her to develop the Cataract Laserphaco Probe. The probe
patented in 1988, was designed to use the power of a laser to quickly
and painlessly vaporize cataracts from patients' eyes, replacing the
more common method of using a grinding, drill-like device to remove the
afflictions. With another invention,
Bath was able to restore sight to people who had been blind for over 30
years. Patricia Bath also holds patents for her invention in Japan,
Canada, and Europe.Patricia Bath graduated from the Howard University School of Medicine in
1968 and completed specialty training in ophthalmology and corneal
transplant at both New York University and Columbia University. In 1975,
Bath became the first African-American woman surgeon at the UCLA
Medical Center and the first woman to be on the faculty of the UCLA
Jules Stein Eye Institute. She is the founder and first president of the
American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. Patricia Bath was
elected to Hunter College Hall of Fame in 1988 and elected as Howard
University Pioneer in Academic Medicine in 1993.